Wednesday, March 31, 2004

You need the crappy days in your life. They make average days good and good days great!

I graduated from cripplehood today with my first run since my injury. Good -> great!

Too bad I run with a tight ass though :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

There is only one hard and fast rule on our planet: there are no hard and fast rules on our planet. All rules have exceptions. What goes up must come down...except for space probes. Your mother knows you best...until you’re married. Working your absolute hardest is the best way to get to your goals...unless you’re human and want to enjoy your life. Why sacrifice things that will bring us indefinite contentment for something trivially beneficial and temporary? I learned this after high-school: the law of least returns applies to university marks as well.

Okay, fine. I guess F=ma.

Monday, March 29, 2004

School is like a Guiness Record holding rollercoaster. It has ups and downs, higher and lower than we have experienced before. Although every lap we go on is essentially the same, our experience is completely different. You can get off whenever you want, but only at discreet points. Some have better stomachs and can deal with going around and around, and others start feeling sick and want to get off earlier. At various stages of our life, we graduate to a higher and faster one in hopes that it will make us better off later when the real truth is that we all end up the same in the end.

The most unfortunate part of it is that you are trapped in that slimy sweaty shoulder harness that you voluntarily put on, but have no escape once it clicks down. It feels comfortable until the attendant comes by and leans on it for that extra couple of clicks. Now it’s too tight and breathing becomes difficult.

Although you’re interested in finishing that lap that you’re on, you just want to smell that rose beside the track. I know it’s dangerous to stop a roller coaster in the middle of the loop, but look at that rose! Why do I have to wait until the lap is over?!

The only difference: this roller coaster ENDS with climbing up that big hill.

Almost there, almost there…

Saturday, March 27, 2004

I do apologise for going on a rant so early in my web logging career, but I feel it is pretty necessary.

The purpose of instating rules is to bring law and order to a system. Rules are the foundation of our western culture and what sets us apart from barbarians so long ago. The death of that culture infers through Spencer’s theory (Darwin was NOT the first to conceive the survival of the fittest theory. A sociologist named Herbert Spencer was in the late 19th century…random fact for the day) that a lawless society is not optimal for the proliferation of our species. I am a conformist and respect the laws surrounding me.

WITH THAT SAID, I have a huge problem with rules that are set for the sole purpose of enforcement. Why does the only car in a large parking lot get a ticket for being parked fifteen minutes too long at its owner’s residence? Why does it have to be registered at 2:00am (not 2:01am)? Why does a trivial mistake in the registration invoke a fine rather than a warning? Does the notion of authority give people such elation that they should spend the earliest hours of the morning simply staring at and empty parking lot in anticipation of their next victim?!

What gives?! (…side note, you should have seen the hissy fit I threw last night!)

Friday, March 26, 2004

Old saying: April showers bring May flowers.

Modern equivalent: April showers get rid of December-March salt which means my Cannondale (my good bike) can go outside without fear of being eaten alive!

Oh baby bring on the trails!

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Some may question our presence on this strangely large and unique chunk of rock. The big bang theory suggests that all life sprung from lightening creating the first amino chain which eventually morphed into protein. Let that mutate for a few million years and presto, you have a gangly creature proportionately faster than only a sloth and surrounded by a cornucopia of other living forms. The only weapons bestowed upon it were opposable thumbs and the ability to reason.

Let more time pass and this creature has manipulated the surrounding chunk of rock such that daily life has lost the fight for survival and gained the fight to get to the front of the Tim Horton’s line. The vicious weapon now requires new occupation and stimulation.

Why the lightening struck to create the first semblance of life is debated by various religions, but we’re here now to make the most of the time that we manage to keep ticking. Make sure that our rock has somehow been improved during that period and have fun in the meantime. Well done Mr. Yeo!

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

I have too many thoughts floating around in there not to start one of these. Hey, maybe this will help keep my beak shut occasionally. Will this cure my verbal diarrhoea?!

Likely not.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

These are images for my other web log: