Monday, March 29, 2004

School is like a Guiness Record holding rollercoaster. It has ups and downs, higher and lower than we have experienced before. Although every lap we go on is essentially the same, our experience is completely different. You can get off whenever you want, but only at discreet points. Some have better stomachs and can deal with going around and around, and others start feeling sick and want to get off earlier. At various stages of our life, we graduate to a higher and faster one in hopes that it will make us better off later when the real truth is that we all end up the same in the end.

The most unfortunate part of it is that you are trapped in that slimy sweaty shoulder harness that you voluntarily put on, but have no escape once it clicks down. It feels comfortable until the attendant comes by and leans on it for that extra couple of clicks. Now it’s too tight and breathing becomes difficult.

Although you’re interested in finishing that lap that you’re on, you just want to smell that rose beside the track. I know it’s dangerous to stop a roller coaster in the middle of the loop, but look at that rose! Why do I have to wait until the lap is over?!

The only difference: this roller coaster ENDS with climbing up that big hill.

Almost there, almost there…


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