Saturday, March 27, 2004

I do apologise for going on a rant so early in my web logging career, but I feel it is pretty necessary.

The purpose of instating rules is to bring law and order to a system. Rules are the foundation of our western culture and what sets us apart from barbarians so long ago. The death of that culture infers through Spencer’s theory (Darwin was NOT the first to conceive the survival of the fittest theory. A sociologist named Herbert Spencer was in the late 19th century…random fact for the day) that a lawless society is not optimal for the proliferation of our species. I am a conformist and respect the laws surrounding me.

WITH THAT SAID, I have a huge problem with rules that are set for the sole purpose of enforcement. Why does the only car in a large parking lot get a ticket for being parked fifteen minutes too long at its owner’s residence? Why does it have to be registered at 2:00am (not 2:01am)? Why does a trivial mistake in the registration invoke a fine rather than a warning? Does the notion of authority give people such elation that they should spend the earliest hours of the morning simply staring at and empty parking lot in anticipation of their next victim?!

What gives?! (…side note, you should have seen the hissy fit I threw last night!)


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