The blank clock
I almost want to call it a recurring dream, but it is when I’m daydreaming. So many times now, I keep rolling the same scene over in my head. I’m running along in a stream of runners, people are lining the street that we’re running along and cheering for us all. Myself and all of the other runners are really given’er, but are really taxed since we’re approaching the finish line of the Ottawa Marathon. The scene always ends in one of two ways: 1) I reach the finish line screaming with a pubescent-like crackle pumping my fist in the air in a state of elation and 2) I reach the finish line, utter a gentle “woo-hoo” with a finger in the air in celebration and quickly begin to think about my recovery. The common part of the two scenarios is that both the big clock above the finish line and my wristwatch are always blank. I have accepted the fact that the original time goal that I set (3:10 the Boston qualifying time) may be a little aggressive and have therefore set my “I’ll still be happy” time goal at 3:20.
These “dreams” are a symbol that I’ve never trained for this kind of race before. Up until now, it’s mostly been a question of whether or not I can make the finish line. In this case, I know that I can do the distance but I just don’t know how fast I can do it.
That’s what I love about endurance sports: the mental battle!
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