Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A ray of hope…actually a whole pile of them!

Today I wrote my exam for my course where the average after both mid-terms was 40% and I was extremely pleasantly surprised. I went into it with a bit of a pessimistic point of view because I have to get 80% in both my courses this term just to stay at McGill, and judging by this professor’s track record, an 80% was going to be extremely far out of my reach.

But alas, when I sat down and read the whole exam over, I realized that I knew every question. I actually did something that I have only done a few times in my university career; not only did I complete the entire exam, I got a reasonable solution to every problem. I just may have done it!

I just may be able to continue at McGill!!!! ...well depending on tomorrow's results as well of course.


At 1/11/2005 2:28 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a reat outlok and if a anything honest - never give up - the sky's the limit !!!!


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