Monday, March 07, 2005

Funny Shoe Story!

About a month ago, I was walking home from school on a cool yet beautifully sunny Friday late afternoon. After walking across an incredibly busy Rideau Canal, I got to the top of the stairs to see a guy sitting on a parking barrier beside the road still sporting his hockey skates. We made eye contact, I said “hello” and he replied with “do you have a cell phone?” Personally, I don’t use my phone very often. I’ll use it every couple of days when the relay of pertinent information could really help either me or a friend out; my usage rarely exceeds 20mins/month.

Since my rates are not the best, I was a little hesitant. After looking at his lack of shoes, and remembering a time last fall when someone else helped me out, I decided to offer. Sure enough the guy makes a call to Kingston, but his reason was legit; his wife and friends were supposed to pick him up but were almost an hour late, so he left a message on their cell.

As I was leaving, he insisted on giving me $5 for the call. Since the call probably cost me about $1, I felt pretty bad taking the money. Since he was so insistent, I took it and finished my walk home. By the time I got home, I had determined that I couldn’t let him sit there in his skates, so I dug up my lawn cutting shoes, biked over and gave them to him. Although he was a little weirded out, I think he appreciated it.

So I’m walking home today and all of a sudden my shoes appeared hanging over a garden post. I walk that stretch most days and have not noticed them yet. I wonder what sort of journey my shoes had. Did they go back to Kingston then return the following weekend? How long were they used for? Did they do some sight-seeing? How many have worn them.

Oh if my shoes could talk!


At 3/09/2005 5:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, if your shoes can talk, I highly reccomend reducing your usage of recreational drugs.


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