Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Oh how I love Ottawa!

I witnessed how it is the second coldest capital in the world yesterday as it dropped below (apparently) -50°C including the windchill. Although it took me more than ten minutes to get my skates on since I kept having to jam my hands inside my coat to warm them back up, I got to use my skates to get myself to school. That’s right, my hockey skates have been acting as my commuting tool for the past couple days and it gives me a big stupid grin every time I think about it. The cold snap that Ottawa is having this week enhances the experience. There’s just something special about being cocooned inside layers upon layers of clothing, yet feeling the aggressive bite of the cold on your face.

Now if only the NHL and NHLPA would keep talking, I could round my Canadian experience by skating to a pub to watch a big game!


At 1/26/2005 4:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you do? I'm glad you're enjoying the Ottawa winter. I stumbled upon your blog today from the blog " jessica goes abroad". I don't know Jessica, but a friend of mine said I should check it out and now I'm here at your site. What luck!

Seeing as you're quite the cyclist, check this out:

See you,
michael lucente


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