Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Okay, now I’m really back on the wagon with my new format! Since I was out of the web logging routine when this happened, I think it’s fair that I get to comment:

Question: What is scariest?

a) flying through the air after your bike hit a huge rock and anticipating what you are about to land on.
b) the split second that begins when you realize that someone is in the process of running a red light and the collision between their car and your bike is inevitable and ends with the collision itself.
c) the fact that a small group of extremist individuals can rig an election of one of the most powerful nations on the planet and successfully pursue a personal agenda not representative of the majority of the nation’s while making transparent excuses as to why such actions are taken.
d) the fact that a democratic nation can voluntarily elect said leader again because he claims that he will rid the world of other extremists.
e) the irony of d)


At 11/10/2004 11:08 p.m., Blogger Heather said...

Welcome back cutie!


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